Monday, May 10, 2010

Wanna Help?

OK so by now everyone knows that my sister and I will be walking 60 miles in October for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure. We have committed to raising $2,300 each, I am around $1,000 right now. One way you can donate is by clicking on the donate now link, this will take you directly to my page.

When we first started talking about fundraising ideas my sister immediately thought of a childhood friend who makes this awesome jewelry, and I must say I am in love with everything she makes :) Amanda knew that Kim would be able to come up with something beautiful and she did!!

The bracelet is $35 and the necklace is $50, Kim will donate $10 for each one sold. You can purchase them at, or contact me. This is a great way for you to contribute and you will have a beautiful piece of jewelry to show your support. Thanks so much Kim for helping us out!!

I do have a couple more ideas for raising money, but I would love to know of any ideas anyone may have!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Make a difference

Wow where has March went!! Time is flying and I have so much to get done. I have been doing very well with my training and must say I am proud of myself. I have planned my training schedule and am working on adding 2 miles each month. By October I should be at 19 miles, I plan on having 500 miles in training under my belt by October. So far I haven't found a walking buddy, but anyone is welcome to join me at any time. I have found a nice route and am always greeted by 2 playful pups almost every weekend. Last weekend the smallest one decided she wanted to come along with me, she got into a little trouble. I was glad to hear they were both harmless, good thing. So I will finish March with 5 miles per walk and start April with 7 miles.

Fundraising is on my list for April, don't forget about the Texas Hold 'Em Tournament on April 10th, we are hoping for 60 players. I will be taking orders the last 2 weeks of April for Saving Sisters candles they will be $12 each, and are handmade by Forgotten Creek Candles. The scents available are very vanilla, hot baked apple pie, cinnamon stick, fresh peach, fresh linen and spring lilac. I have some other things I am planning and will let you know about those when they are confirmed.

I am walking for those who have lost their battle with breast cancer, those who have survived and for those who may one day face breast cancer. I will be making a necklace that I will carry with me when I walk. If you would like for me to walk in honor or memory of someone let me know. In October my sister and I will be walking in honor of our grandmother!! The thing about breast cancer is you never know who or when it might hit, so let's all MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Texas Hold 'Em

Good morning guys and gals it's going to be another beautiful day to walk. Yesterday was nice I enjoyed the warm sunshine and fresh air, I even saw three other walkers on my 4.5 mile adventure. Today I am setting out for 5 miles.

So for all those who like poker we will be holding a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament, with the help of our dad. We are also very thankful for Dwight allowing us to have this event at his shop, so a great big thank you to both of them for all their support!!

April 10, 2010

Doors open @ 1:00
Game starts @ 2:00

Dry River Automotive
211 Dry River Road, Bridgewater

$50 Buy-In (includes food, BYOB)
1 re-buy & 1 add-on

1st $500
2nd $300
3rd $150
4th $50

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Started

Wow it is time to get started, there is so much to do. Preparing for a 3-day is fun, exciting, rewarding, and a lot of work. It has became a major part of my life that I can't stop thinking about. My sister and I are coming up with some great fundraising ideas, so get ready! The event isn't until October, but it's time the training starts. My sister has started and yes this has kicked me in gear. Hey I am not going to let her come out of this with less blisters on her feet than me. Our last walk I will say by the end I had 30+ blisters on my feet. Nope I didn't train like I should have and well I paid the price. This year is going to be different, and with that today my training starts. So to all my friends when you see some crazy chick walking in the Broadway area that's just me. For those who want to know YES I would love a walking buddy or two....hint, hint!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Round 2

On Thursday February 11th I signed up to take part in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk. This will be my second time taking part in this event, back in 2002 my sister and I, along with several of her friends embarked on this journey together. Once I found out my sister was again facing the 3-day I knew I was going to be by her side! I will be walking 60 miles over 3 days in the Washington/DC area in October. I will be raising money to help find a cure, with $2500 as my goal and hope to reach much higher! I am so excited to be part of such a touching event and making memories of a life time.