Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All About My 3 Day

OK yeah it has been.....almost 4 months since the 3 day and what can I say, I am really slow at getting this done :)) So I promise to be completely honest with my whole experience and there is lots to this may take awhile.

First... I was able to raise $2,932 thanks too so many wonderful family and friends. I cannot say thank you enough for all your help and support. There was a poker tournament (thanks dad), Saving Sisters Candle sales, 2 Little Birdies necklace and bracelet sales (thanks Kim Nieder..check her out if you haven't already, she makes awesome jewelry), Corn Hole Tournament hosted by Jeremy and Cindy Morris (thank was awesome!!!), and good old fashion donations!! I can't say thank you enough to everyone...there were so many people involved and several people I didn't even know!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU..I couldn't have done it without each and everyone of you!!!!

I walked with my sister and one of her friends, Jam..ok her name is Jennifer but kind of like Booman who really doesn't look like a Rodney...Jam is not a Jennifer to me :))
So anyways...I was very lucky that Janet, one of my sisters friends offered us a place to stay on the 7th, so I didn't have to drive down the morning of the 8th. She also drove us downtown and then picked us up after the walk!! Thank you so much Janet!!

Once we arrived downtown on the 8th at around 7 am, we dropped off our bags at our assigned trailer. They take your bags and drop them off at camp. We then had opening ceremony, and the reality of 60 miles....really started to sink in. After doing this once already I knew what I was in for...all the good and well all the pain!! But once again, hearing the stories and seeing the survivors, I never doubted why I committed to walking 60 miles again!!

So we started Day 1, which consisted of 20.5 miles total for that day. There are pit stops along the way every couple of miles. They are set up with potties :), stations with drinks, snacks, and medical help. The tricky part is these stops are only open at certain times, this is to keep you on track. You are not allowed to walk after it gets dark and if you are not walking fast enough, they will pick you up and transport you to the next stop.

Day 1 was hard and by the end of my 20 miles, I already had a serious blister....between my toes, ouch!!! But I made it!! After walking that far in about 10 hours, I was sore and I had to limp my way to the snack table. Who can turn down a pb&j graham cracker snack (they were my favorite)!! We were bused to our camp site that evening. I debated if I should show these we made it to the end of day 1 pictures or not. But I promised to tell you YES I felt just like I looked :)) Funny now...but then, a pink tent in tent city never sounded so good.

Once we got to camp we had to sit up our tent and find our bags!! So glad we had an air mattress, my sister got a battery powered air it only took us a couple of minutes. It was perfect!!
We then enjoyed a hot shower, which they have set up in trailers. Each trailer had about 10 showers and plenty of hot water. They also had heaters outside to stand under, to help warm up and dry your hair!!

After our showers we went and got supper...I can't remember what we ate for each meal, but the meals were good. They had a drink station with all kinds of beverages....the hot chocolate was perfect and we had few good laughs while relaxing and enjoying our hot chocolate.

After our first day, I had several small blisters and one that was really hurting, the one between my toes. I drained it before I went to sleep and prayed it would be better in the morning. But if you know anything about blisters...they don't go away over night :))

Day 2...we woke up early to start our 23 miles and my blister was I drained it again and went to eat breakfast. We started and I knew this was going to be a very painful one ever said 60 miles was going to be easy!!

On Day 2 my blister won and I only walked about 10 miles that day. I really hate that I didn't make it that day...but I am so proud of Jam who was able to complete Day 2!! This was her first walk and like I was on my first, she was determined to finish it. We couldn't wait to cheer her on when she got to camp that evening!!

We enjoyed seeing Candy Coburn perform!!

Day 3 - 15 miles....easy, piece of cake, no problem..haha :)) I was totally determined to walk the whole 15 miles....and that was that. So I got up, drained my last time, clipped my flip flops on my pack, ate breakfast, and started my day. I was pretty mad at myself for not completing day 2 and if all else failed...I was going to finish in my flip flops. I made it with my sneakers on and refused to even look at my feet...until I was done walking!!

Along our 60 mile journey, there were several cheering stations. So may people were there to support us all, that in itself was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Kids handing out candy and gum, survivors saying thank you, people handing out drinks and stickers. Words cannot express the emotions that it really just have to experience a 3 day to truly understand, because there are no words for it!!

I made it on Day 3 and it was hard, exhausting physically and mentally, painful, and worth EVERY SINGLE SECOND!!

I walk for all the survivors, fighters, and for those who passed fighting a fight most of us couldn't even imagine fighting. I walk for all the Pink Warriors!!!

So the question is.....Will you do it again???? YES, I will be is something that is deep in my heart and I will be back. My question is....Do you wanna join me??? :)))