Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Started

Wow it is time to get started, there is so much to do. Preparing for a 3-day is fun, exciting, rewarding, and a lot of work. It has became a major part of my life that I can't stop thinking about. My sister and I are coming up with some great fundraising ideas, so get ready! The event isn't until October, but it's time the training starts. My sister has started and yes this has kicked me in gear. Hey I am not going to let her come out of this with less blisters on her feet than me. Our last walk I will say by the end I had 30+ blisters on my feet. Nope I didn't train like I should have and well I paid the price. This year is going to be different, and with that today my training starts. So to all my friends when you see some crazy chick walking in the Broadway area that's just me. For those who want to know YES I would love a walking buddy or two....hint, hint!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Round 2

On Thursday February 11th I signed up to take part in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day breast cancer walk. This will be my second time taking part in this event, back in 2002 my sister and I, along with several of her friends embarked on this journey together. Once I found out my sister was again facing the 3-day I knew I was going to be by her side! I will be walking 60 miles over 3 days in the Washington/DC area in October. I will be raising money to help find a cure, with $2500 as my goal and hope to reach much higher! I am so excited to be part of such a touching event and making memories of a life time.